Speaking Engagements

Speaker Topics

Dr. Greathouse speaks on a large spectrum of timely and relevant topics including leadership, site culture and climate, and research-based strategies to improve student outcomes though recently Dr. G has been highly sought for his expertise in the field of implementing AI in the classroom.

Dr. G is passionate about making every moment with his audience meaningful and valuable, and is happy to tailor presentations and workshops to meet the needs of your organization and audience. To discuss your ideas, contact Dr. Greathouse.

Popular topics for in-person or virtual keynotes and workshops

See, Say, Hear, and Do

Ways to include all students in the learning experience

AI: Faculty Use

Session topics include using AI for instructional design, differentiation, and engagement

AI: Student Use

Session focuses on empowering students to use AI ethically and efficiently

Other popular topics:

Recent keynotes and workshops by Dr. Greathouse: