Preparing to Use ChatGPT in the Classroom
Preparing to use ChatGPT in the Classroom
Let's start by dispelling a few misconceptions. ChatGPT is not intended to replace teachers. Throughout history, whenever new technologies have emerged, there have been claims that they would replace human teachers. However, this hasn't materialized. For instance, calculators haven't eliminated the need for teaching math facts, and despite the availability of Google and vast amounts of information, students still require guidance on finding reliable sources. AI chatbots, like ChatGPT, are simply the latest addition to a long-standing trend of technological advancements.
Now, let's address concerns that students might exploit AI, such as ChatGPT, to complete all their assignments and homework. Firstly, this assumption paints an unflattering picture by assuming that every student is willing to cheat. Moreover, there are various methods to design assignments that are resistant to plagiarism and AI assistance.
Will some students attempt to take the easy way out by leveraging technology? Certainly, there will always be a few who try. However, throughout the existence of schools, there have consistently been a minority of students who cheat. Despite technological advancements over time, the majority of students still strive to independently produce their own work. Therefore, it would be incorrect to assume that every student in your classroom has suddenly been replaced by an AI chatbot that mindlessly regurgitates correct answers.
Our Obligation to Teach Ethical Use
Avoid staying silent regarding ChatGPT and assuming your students will never discover it. Instead, confront the issue directly. Engage in conversations with your students about the ethics of AI and encourage them to share their perspectives. If your classroom doesn't already have a technology policy, now is a good time to create one. Include specific guidelines regarding the use of AI bots. Assist your students in comprehending when it is acceptable to utilize such tools and when it crosses the line into blatant cheating. Here's an example of how you can approach this:
ChatGPT can be wrong
Have students ask ChatGPT to write a bio about themselves using social medial handles and other personal information. It will provide incomplete or incorrect information, relating the importance of using AI as a starting point, similar to how Wikipedia was referenced in years prior. The reliability of information relies heavily on the credibility of its primary sources. As an AI tool, ChatGPT gathers information from various online platforms, including sources that may inadvertently or purposely disseminate misinformation. Consequently, the answers obtained from such sources can be incorrect or misleading. It is crucial to educate students about the importance of verifying sources and, ideally, encourage them to provide sources to support their work. By promoting source checking and citation practices, students can develop critical thinking skills and ensure the accuracy and credibility of the information they utilize.
Student Voice is unique and valuable
Teachers develop a deep understanding of their students' writing styles, enabling them to detect significant changes. Moreover, numerous anti-plagiarism tools are at the disposal of teachers. Additionally, teachers have the option to personally engage with AI bots by entering a question to observe the generated response, allowing them to compare it with a student's work for similarities. It's important to acknowledge that these tools and techniques empower teachers to effectively identify instances of plagiarism and maintain academic integrity within the classroom.
Define acceptable use and discuss rationale
It is crucial to explicitly educate students that copying equals cheating. Make it unmistakably clear to them that you are well aware of ways to identify cheating, and provide knowledge of the potential consequences of cheating. Just as you teach your students about the importance of avoiding plagiarism and the potential repercussions it can bring, it is equally vital to emphasize this concept as it applies to AI. Ensure that they understand that using AI or any other means to copy or submit someone else's work as their own is not acceptable beyond what you explicitly permit, and will be treated with the same seriousness. Provide guidance in citing AI when allowed.
AI is a great resource for brainstorming
Occasionally, we may encounter challenges in expressing our thoughts effectively or ensuring clarity in our writing. In such instances, reviewing the work of others, including that of an AI bot, can be helpful in generating new ideas. However, it is crucial to emphasize to students that direct copying is not permitted. Instead, they should utilize what they observe as a source of inspiration, allowing it to spark creativity and assist them in finding their own unique ways to communicate their ideas. Encouraging students to approach others' work as a source of inspiration rather than a means of replication fosters originality and the development of their own writing skills.
AI can be a personalized tutor
Traditional educational resources such as textbooks, reading passages, or videos often present information in a limited and repetitive manner. When students find themselves still struggling to grasp a concept, they have the option to seek assistance from an AI bot to gain further insights on the topic. By consulting an AI bot, students can receive clear and easily comprehensible responses that may offer them a fresh perspective and help alleviate confusion. Instead of sorting through numerous search results on the web, an AI bot can provide concise and readable explanations, enabling students to approach the material from a different angle and enhance their understanding.
Summarily, while AI bots like ChatGPT can provide valuable assistance, it is essential to emphasize the importance of originality and ethical use. Students should be encouraged to view others' work as inspiration rather than copying it directly. Teachers can foster critical thinking skills by teaching students to check sources and cite them properly. By addressing AI bots directly, discussing the ethics of AI, and implementing technology policies, educators can effectively manage the integration of AI tools into the classroom.
Finally, AI bots offer a fresh perspective for students who may struggle with understanding concepts from traditional resources alone. AI bots can present information in a clear and readable manner, helping students gain new insights and overcome confusion. It is crucial to guide students in utilizing AI bots as a supplementary resource rather than relying solely on them. Encouraging students to think critically, seek inspiration, and approach AI-generated responses as starting points can promote creativity and enhance their learning experience. As you prepare to introduce students to using AI in the classroom consider the following key points to share with them:
Emphasize originality and ethical use of ChatGPT and AI tools.
Teach students to check and cite sources properly, especially when using AI and ChatGPT.
Discuss the ethics of ChatGPT and AI and establish technology policies.
View AI bots like ChatGPT as sources of inspiration, not for direct copying; it's a language model, not a logic model.
AI bots like ChatGPT offer clear and readable responses to assist students' understanding- they can be personalized tutors.
Encourage critical thinking and creativity when utilizing AI bots like ChatGPT- prompt architecture and refinement deliver results.